First you have to add the package (it's not included in the main
gsap package) and
register it.
Then you have the scrollTrigger property in
gsap object.
Add the scrollTrigger property, which has an object with another properties as a value, to the animation., {
y: 0,
ease: "linear",
scrollTrigger: {
trigger: ".container-scroll",
start: "top bottom-=60%",
end: `+=${offsets[index]}`,
markers: true,
scrub: 1.3,
Keeps a warm head.
Highly flexible machine.
Essentials for those days.
Always prepared for a run.
function dissectTheBlob() {
const hat = document.querySelector(".scrollblob-hat");
const body = document.querySelector(".scrollblob-body");
const gloves = document.querySelector(".scrollblob-gloves");
const shoes = document.querySelector(".scrollblob-shoes");
const allBlocs = document.querySelectorAll(".bloc");
const offsets = [200, 490, 590];
// animates the svg elements
gsap.utils.toArray([".bloc2", ".bloc3", ".bloc4"]).forEach((bloc, index) => {, {
y: 0,
ease: "linear",
scrollTrigger: {
trigger: ".container-scroll",
start: "top bottom-=60%",
// starts when the top of trigger element is 60% up from the viewport bottom
end: `+=${offsets[index]}`,
// ends xyz px are scrolled
scrub: 1.3,
//animates the headlines
allBlocs.forEach((bloc, index) => {
trigger: bloc,
start: "top center",
onEnter: () => {
onLeaveBack: () => {
// markers: true